What?!! Iron Deadpool?? Well, I had an idea of an interesting Civil War What If. What if Tony chose Wade instead of Peter? Well, he wouldn't likely switch sides. The merc with a mouth would certainly be loyal to Tony and of course Tony will provide him with a really cool outfit. This is my idea of it. It contains hints of the modern Deadpool outfit plus some of the Iron Spidey suit attributes. Instead of stingers, Wade gets a large sharp stinger plus two mini cannons. This suit is simply ready for battle and suited to turn other mutants to register with the government. The body is an Iron Spidey with a little sculpt in the head to match DP's popular mask then the weapons are from BAF Mojo's legs. They sure came in handy.
Here is another avatar based custom. The base is a ML Mr. Sinister. I removed the cape and added more muscle in the face, chest, back. I'm not really very familiar with the character but I thought it looked real cool so I just had to make it. I felt it really was an interesting concept because Colossus has a good boy image. An evil version just seemed so unlikely.
It's Batroc the Leaper! One of Captain America's not so famous enemies. I just felt he was a fitting character to do with my Bullseye lying around. Added a little sculpt to match my guide pic's costume. The purple is actually cobalt blue mixed with a little white. Meanwhile the yellow is a darker tone of flat yellow. I added a little red to make it look better. Here he is, ready to jump over Steve Rogers and evade his shield.
After seeing the Watchmen movie trailer, I researched on the figures and wanted to make all of them, however I only had 1 base figure that could possibly match one of the characters as of the moment. It was an ML Psylocke which could easily be matched with Silk Spectre's costume. I just removed the belt then sculpted more silicon into Psylocke. A white base coat for the dominant yellow part and black all the way for the black. I used semi gloss black to achieve a shiny finish while the yellow was a fix of flat yellow and clear yellow. Clear yellow gives a stronger tone of yellow plus adds a little more shine. She was done after around five days. The hard part was retaining the physical image of the costume. Here she is. Who's watching the watchmen now?
Another avatar based custom I simply wanted to do. The recipe was to remove Venom's head and reattach it to ooze sprouting from his back. I used a SMC Venom then removed the head. For the ooze rays I used twisties as structure then sculpted in all the way together with the head. Took me around 3 days to do this part. Then, I resculpted a FO Sabretooth head. The painting was aimed at matching MvsC colors. The skin and symbiote have the comic effect on them which I really liked. After a week, he is done and ready to kick Spidey's ass!!!
When I first saw DCSH Lex Luthor's body, I knew that it was a fitting body for a Hydro Armor rendition of Iron Man. I got a loose Lex which unfortunately has a left foot with superglued articulation. This meant a harder time posing but the figure can still stand well and do a variety of poses. I took a HML Ultimate IM mask and sculpted it into the head chamber. I first basecoated the whole figure black. Then covered it with aluminum. Parts were then painted with either clear red or yellow to bring out the popular IM metallic look. After several coatings, the results is a beautifully shined metallic look armor that's ready for fighting in Atlantis!
This is one custom that I really enjoyed doing. When I started off with a ML Moon Knight, I couldn't imagine how it would possibly end up as a modern Deadpool. I could picture out the face but not the rest of the body. Anyway, I used semi-gloss black and shiny red for the body. Several parts were sculpted like the belt buckle and leg braces. I got the weapons from an ML Deadpool.
This is my first time to make a Marvel Vs Capcom based figure. It's basically an ML Gambit repainted to match its MvsC counterpart. I've enjoyed looking at many avatars of Marvel characters and since I had a Gambit lying around, I decided to make wonders with him. I added more hair to emphasize the windy look. I gave the original black costume a blue shade then added emphasis to the silver parts. I also repainted the cards on kinetics and the stick.